Incredible app! Great for young and old. I will share this with everyone. May your mothers neshama have an incredible Aliyah through the tefillos that come because this app is here.
Incredible app! Great for young and old. I will share this with everyone. May your mothers neshama have an incredible Aliyah through the tefillos that come because this app is here.
This can also be used for adults it is very nice and I like how there are no ads!! Thank u for making this app I bless u makers of this app! More...
Its a cute idea, but once you get through all the going to bed bits, the buttons to play the actual prayer dont work. Id report it as a problem, but clicking on "report a problem" directs you to a 404 error.
Thank you for making GOOD free software! I have relied on a number of your apps for a while, and now my kid can too :) Sorry to hear about the loss of your mother; what incredible inspiration to use that event to share something positive with the world. Chazak.
Excellent. What a Zechus for their mother.
Thank you and tizku lmitzvos.
ברוך דין האמת From the Labelle Familly our most sincere condolences to all your Familly. Shany my daughter 2 and a half years old, was already doing she a with me on the iPad every night she would want to find shema herself as she would put it. She looks for the big alef א and clicks on the last line ( bedtime shema). I do lechem y-oud and when I get to shema I stop and she starts El melech.... She learned this because of you. I am sure she will love this new app. Thank you And may the soul of your mother reach great height from all the mitzvot this app will bring in the world. She already has the zchout of having incredible children whom have develop such great apps that able, the world over people to pray, with kavana, where ever they are at the touch of their fingers. ברוך דין האמת She is now in a better place, by the side of our creator, king and G. אל מלך נאמן שמע ישראל ה׳ אלוקינו ה׳ אחד The Labelle Familly.
This app is so wonderful for children! I encourage parents to try this with them and learn the Shema!!! Melanie Evans
My newly 3 year old son loves this app. He asks for it over and over. Thank you for giving us a beautiful interactive and special app. What a nice way to honour your mother.
My 4 year old daughter wont go to bed without first using this app every night. Thanks once again for developing such a great app.
Beautiful! Thank you. ת.נ.צ.ב.ה.
An absolutely great concept, My daughter loves this app. May this be a big zechus for your mother ת.נ.צ.ב.ה
One of the best apps I have seen. I cant wait for my grandchildren to sleep over. I use rusty bricks siddur pp and art scroll daf yomi app every day. Their demonstrated high quality is evident in this latest a endeavor. I am sure that the soul of the departed this app is in memory of will have an Aliyah each time a child uses the app.
Great and meaningful app. Think it will be useful for children of all ages
Fantastic app! Beautifully done and an incredible way to say Shema with your children every night! Thanks.
Kids love it. Thanks!
I have no children and i am an adult but I am learning the prayers... although I have been studying Hebrew I was having trouble with learning this prayer. This is an easy mitzvah to take on and now, this app helps me accomplish this! Wonderful for kids AND adults just learning!!
We just downloaded this app and love it! Your beautiful mothers Neshama should have an aliyah. She is surely watching down over all of you and is so proud! Yonina
Another great Jewish app from Rusty Brick. Keep up the good work.
Beautify done. My 3 year old daughter loves this app and is so excited to say shma allong with the kinderlach in the app !!!! Keep up the great work you are doing. Surely your mothers neshama is smiling down at all those Jewish kids reciting shema. May her neshama have an aliya